Be You!
Peter H Reynolds
You were born to BE so many things. No matter where your journey leads remember to… Be curious… Be adventurous… Be patient… Be brave… And most of all… BE YOU! A joyful celebration of individuality persistence and staying true to YOU!
Once you have read or viewed this book you will instantly understand the reasons, I have selected this book. This is a wonderful mentor text for personal and social learning to revisit again and again.Such a treat! View Peter reading this story to us!
Front cover:
Before presenting the book provoke curiosity in your classroom by displaying balloons.
What are your predictions? Why is the character floating in the sky?
Tell me something about you?
Venture outside and look up to the sky. What do you see? What shapes can you see in the clouds? Sketch the clouds to inspire some cloud writing!
Why did Peter use an exclamation mark in his title? Can you borrow this idea for your own writing?
Anna Walker used the same technique with her lasted book. Can you find other titles with an exclamation mark?
Title page:
Spray paint an old frame gold and photograph your learners holding the frame.
- Generate ideas using the photographs
- Create an exhibition of the photographs
- Measure the frame using different materials
- Investigate famous art works in gold frames.
You were born to….
- Collect ten words from this page to alphabetise
- Share baby photos and make a display to inspire writers
- Match the teachers with their baby photo
- Define and add some of the words to your word wall for the writers to borrow for their writing
- Make connections to characters from familiar books. How would you describe Harry Potter, Pig the Pug or Plume?
Explore birth months to collect and present data
I am hooked by the motives Peter has used on this page. Oliver Jeffers uses motives too. Search and explore his books for motives.
Be curious!

Hide an object, that would provoke curiousty, in a box. Ask your learners to pose questions to discover what is in the box.
Go on a nature walk and photograph or collect things that you want to research more about.
Have a cabinet of curiousity in your classroom for everyone to add to!
Model using an ‘I wonder’ notebook with your learners. Create a class book, wonder wall, or encourage each learner to recording their own wonderings in their own book.
Here are some entries in my ‘I wonder’ book:

Be persistent:
Discuss the power of persistence! Make connections to personal experiences and create posters to celebrate.
Engage team challenges. Highlight and discuss the need to ‘keep going, never stop’.
Check out the ideas on my STEM Pinterest Board
Be different:
Plan a day to come to school wearing something different, quirky, and colourful. What did you learn about each other?
Create a classroom book or video to recount the day.
Explore Todd Parr’s book.
How are we different? What makes us unique? Celebrate!
Be kind:
Make connections to this awesome book by Sophie Beer – Kindness makes us Strong

Plan random acts of kindness in your classroom. Put these acts into action! Take photos of the acts of kindness in action to share with the school community.
Make a list of your acts to celebrate being kind. Share your list with another classroom to inspire.
Create paper bracelets displaying words associated to kindness.
Final end page:
Peter finishes with a quote …. what does this mean to you?
Be yourself
Be the best version of you.
Each day is
A new chance to
Be more you.
Is there someone you would like to share this quote with?
Display the quote in your classroom to act as a springboard for discussions.
Discuss this quote to inspire writing.
Does the quote inspire a personal goal?
Continue being YOU!

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