Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post
By: Bob Graham
Published: 2023
Publisher: Walker Books
A random act of kindness springboards into a heartwarming story of perseverance, determination, and hope.
I adore Bob’s dedication – “For those with time to spare – children, dogs and jigsaw puzzlers.”
Twelve teaching ideas to take away!
- Make a jigsaw using pop sticks.
- Wrap the book in brown paper/box and displaying the title in a gift card to provoke curiosity and form predictions.
- What clues did you get from the endpapers?
- Post letters to your class to open and read.
- Highlight phrases in the book that engaged you as the audience. I love – ‘a beautiful dawn began to emerge’.
- Did you see the stamps on the parcel? Create a stamp about your favourite part.
- Draw the journey of the puzzle piece to retell.
- What seasons were talked about in the story? What activities do you do in the seasons?
- Discuss and implement some random acts of kindnesses.
- Solve simple jigsaws to inspire some writing ideas.
- Publish your writing as a jigsaw to be solved.
- Have a jigsaw posted to your class to solve.
I wonder if this story inspires a random act of kindness in your classroom?
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