I engage and motivate my audiences by teaching them how to turn current thinking and theory into practical classroom strategies, learning experiences and resources.
My professional learning opportunities are always ‘hands on’ coupled with classroom photographs, videos, artefacts, materials and books!
There are many options to investigate. I am always keen to innovate and think outside the square!
Professional Learning Event
One day (five hours) of professional learning directly tailored to the school’s current focus. This can be delivered online or onsite. Each event is designed to link to current theory with practical classroom strategies and resources that deliver enhanced outcomes for learners.
Forty-five minutes of highly engaging professional learning for one nominated focus. You are provided with a teaching resource of strategies to implement the ‘very next day’.
The school nominates the focus, date, and time.
Professional Learning Partnerships
Choose from two options that combine both onsite or online professional learning with follow up webinars, coaching and demonstrations.
Packages can be tailored to your individual school’s requirement.
Hear From My Clients
Professional Learning Partnership Options
Option 1
One day of professional learning together onsite or online, coupled with two follow up webinars. The professional learning opportunities are designed and implemented to cater for your school’s focus and goals. This program can be implemented in one term or across the year.
Option 2
One day of professional learning together onsite or online and combined with:
- Coaching in the classroom
- Demonstration lessons
- One follow-up webinar
The professional learning opportunities are designed and implemented directly catering for your focus and goals over several terms. This approach enables you to implement strategies and reflect upon your teaching and learning practice.
Professional Learning Menu
Here is a sampling of some of the offerings I can provide your team/school/organisation. However, I am completely happy to customise professional learning to meet your needs. Once you select your focus/es of need, or have one that’s not on the menu, get in touch so we can map out our plan for action!
Learning Journals - making learning intentions, success criteria visible and connecting to feedback.
Implementing hooks to build commitment and engagement
Implementation of the school’s Instructional model
Teaching approaches - reading, writing and mathematics
Teaching strategies to provoke curiosity and investigations across the curriculum.
Think Alouds
Planning for quality books
Differentiation of rich tasks
Planning author studies
Using data to inform teaching and learning
Strategies and tools to build metacognition
Selecting and planning using mentor texts
Comprehension skills, strategies, tools, and tasks
Exploring teaching strategies and current thinking for teaching vocabulary
Introducing Reader’s Notebooks
Teaching readers - overview, philosophy, structure, strategy instruction
Teaching readers - mini lessons, independent reading, conferences
Teaching mathematicians - overview, philosophy, structure, strategy instruction
Teaching mathematicians - mini lessons, independent mathematics, conferences
Place Value - sequence, learning experiences, materials and strategies.
Measurement - sequence, learning experiences, materials and strategies.
Fractions - sequence, learning experiences, materials and strategies.
Financial Literacies/Money - sequence, learning experiences, materials and strategies
Implementing Number Talks in the primary classroom
Low floor high ceiling mathematics tasks
Introducing Mathematician’s Notebook
Problem solving in the mathematics classroom
Warm Ups in the mathematics classroom
Teaching strategies and tasks to build mental strategies
Teaching writers - overview, philosophy, structure, strategy instruction
Teaching writers - mini lessons, independent writing, writing conferences
Introducing and refining the implementation of Writer’s Notebooks
Planning a writing cycle
Strategies to inspire writers to publish
Do you have any questions or would you like to customise professional learning to meet your needs? I would love to hear from you!