Innovative Professional Learning and Teaching Resources – access today for your classroom tomorrow

Andrea Hillbrick
Learn | Collaborate | Connect
Andrea Hillbrick
Learn | Collaborate | Connect
Who am I?
My name is Andrea and I am a Learning and Teaching consultant based on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia.
I love being a teacher! In my 35 years as an Educator I have had many opportunities. In my schools, I have enjoyed the roles of Curriculum Leader, Learning and Teaching Coach and Assistant Principal. A highlight was being a member of writing teams and the presenter of statewide Curriculum initiatives.
The best part of my work now is that I get the opportunity to collaborate with so many educators across Australia, and beyond!
I am continually inspired to write and share teaching ideas. I have authored numerous teaching resources including 7 books. My latest passion is my Book Club. Each month I have the privilege to write and publish a swag of teaching ideas for a quality text – this is bliss for me!
I am committed to plan and implement an inclusive approach to professional learning that everyone wants to be part of. Inspiring and empowering my colleagues to transfer new learning to their classrooms!
Thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoy your visit!
Andrea Hillbrick
What they say
Teaching is not a delivery system. It’s an art form.
– Sir Ken Robertson
10 Teaching Ideas for Tomorrow, the Next Day & The Next!

Takeaway Teaching Ideas
Take Away Teaching Ideas 45 – Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post
Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post By: Bob Graham Published: 2023Publisher: Walker Books A random act of kindness springboards into a heartwarming story of perseverance, determination, and hope. I adore Bob’s dedication – "For those with time to spare – children, dogs and...
Take Away Teaching Ideas #44 – Two Sides to Every Story
Two Sides to Every Story By: Beck and Robin Feiner Published: 2023Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books Cats or dogs? Living in the city or the country? Going to the pool or the beach? Life presents lots of questions and lots of choices ... For Oscar, there's...
Take Away Teaching Ideas #43: One Little Duck
One Little Duck By: Katrina Germein and Danny Snell Published: 2023 Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books A fun twist on the song 'Five Little Ducks', this delightful story from the award-winning duo Katrina Germein and Danny Snell is destined to become a new...

Do you have any questions or would you like to customise professional learning to meet your needs? I would love to hear from you!