I will have my headset on, the lighting perfect, resources by my side ready to connect online. These three options have been designed to suit you:
– Is it actively participating in a live webinar?
– Is it selecting the date, time and pace for your own professional learning?
– Or one to one coaching with me?

Webinars - Live Professional Learning
I regularly implement webinars for individuals, teams and school registrations. Forty-five minutes of highly engaging professional learning for one nominated focus.
You are provided with a teaching resource of strategies to implement the ‘very next day’.

Self-paced Professional Learning
This will be a new feature in 2022. I am excited to be providing this option for you!
What a great opportunity it is for you to select the focus for your professional learning and then view the session at your own pace.

Personalised Learning and Coaching
Want to talk to me and ask any and every question you can think of? Book a one hour (or more) phone call or Zoom meeting to connect with me. This personal coaching option differs from professional learning events as the coaching focus is established by you!
What My Clients Say

Do you have any questions or would you like to customise professional learning to meet your needs? I would love to hear from you!