I have an extensive knowledge and ability to teach readers, writers, mathematicians and investigators. Making me a highly valuable resource for your school. My recent classroom and school based experiences enable me to make genuine connections and share recent insights.
I have the proven skills to work in partnership with you to create and implement a comprehensive individualised professional learning plan. Each plan is designed for the unique learning and teaching context and goals of your school.
Classroom Demonstrations
It is powerful for you to observe me teaching in your own classroom with your learners. This is a focussed process as you use data to identify the learning intention for the lesson. The lesson is planned and implemented reflecting the school’s instructional model and goals. Tools are used for targeted observation and an opportunity for discussion is a key feature for success.
Coaching provides ongoing support, you are able to connect the inspiration of professional learning and school vision to the learning and teaching context. I support you to weave theory and practice together through coaching onsite and online.
Collaborative Planning
In these sessions I collaborate with teams to analyse data to inform the planning of future learning experiences. This is highly effective! Prior to the planning time I generate and collect texts, materials, resources, and teaching ideas. When the planning session begins it is extremely focused and highly productive. These sessions are usually implemented online.
Collaborating with Professional Learning Teams
As a team of Educators we use data to select a focus for professional learning. I support the team to research, deepen their personal theories of learning, analyse their practices, implement, and reflect on new teaching practises. Most importantly, to achieve improved learning outcomes for learners.
Partnership Schools
This approach to professional learning involves ongoing communication and engagement onsite and online. It begins with setting goals for the year and designing a pathway to meet the goals. A diverse range of implementation strategies are considered to create an engaging, thoughtful, and authentic improvement plan.
What My Clients Say
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Do you have any questions or would you like to customise professional learning to meet your needs? I would love to hear from you!