Lest We Forget
By Kerry Brown
A young boy visits his granddad and thinks about the important days in his life: his first day of school, playing soccer with his team, the day his baby sister was born. Yet through the illustrations the reader sees a parallel story of the grandfather’s experiences at war: wearing his brand-new soldier’s uniform, with his fellow diggers in the field, looking at a photo of the baby he’s never met.
I am grateful to have collaborated with Joel Brian
and Carly White @misswhitesclassroom
You can view the story at here
This book links to the comprehension strategies of inferring, comparing and contrasting.
A mentor text for a narrative that includes flashbacks and the use of illustrations to convey meaning.
This is a great book is a great springboard to explore the use of calendars.
The three of us have collaborated to plan these teaching ideas for you!
- Before reading the text brainstorm what Lest We Forget
- What can we learn from the front cover?
- What does ANZAC stand for?
- Create a Venn diagram by drawing two overlapping circle or pasting two paper plates. Compare the ‘then’ and ‘now’ pictures. What is the same? What is different?
- Why did the author Kerry present the book in this way?
- Select five words that relate to the text to make a word collage. You may use words and letters from catalogues, newspapers or magazines.
- How do we find out about the grandfather’s past? Look closely at the illustrations and list what you see. Why was there no text with these pictures?
- Can you make a connection to another text? What text is it?
- Make a calendar and record dates that are important to you and your family. Each month could have a special picture to match either a: season, moment, or special event.
- Provide the students with a month of the calendar cut up as a jigsaw to solve.
- Make a patty pan poppy. you can find the instructions at
- Create an artwork using images to show your understanding for celebration and commemoration.
- Make ANZAC biscuits following recipe students can write their own instructional text.
- Visit Art for kids Hub and follow instructions on how to draw poppies.
- Begin to create your own memory capsule. What will you use? What will be your first memory to be stored?
Check out this book on Booktopia
Enjoy and take care,
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