Leila Rudge
Published: 2015
You can view a read aloud of Ted on Story box Library
Ted is a smart dog, with his own jumper. But he has lived at the pet store for as long as he can remember, and nobody seems to notice him. Will Ted ever find the perfect place to live.
I can highly recommend Leila to collaborate with your learners at your school. http://www.leilarudge.com/contact
I recently had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Leila Rudge to chat about her brilliant, new book – Winston and the Indoor Cat. We also chatted about this glorious story – Ted. I could not resist in sharing my teaching ideas with you!
Leila has created the TED title so it looks knitted. Can you illustrate your name in a decorative way?
Activate prior knowledge and share predictions by playing pass the parcel. Wrap an image of Ted with layers of newspaper and clues. Read clues about the text as the parcel is unwrapped.
Introduce the book using a jigsaw picture of Ted. Photocopy the front cover of the book and cut into jigsaw pieces to solve.
Shared reading of the story inviting the readers to read the bolded print.
Ted visits different places in the story. Order a sequence of pictures in the text.
Respond to questions: Why didn’t anybody notice Ted in the pet shop? How would that have made Ted feel? Why was Dot’s house the perfect place for Ted?
List different settings in a Top Ten Chart. Select a setting and write another Ted adventure.
Listen to circus music to inspire an idea for writing.
What is your favourite page and why? Convince a friend.
Name the other dogs at the pet shop in the illustration on the first page of the book.
Photograph the pets at home to share. Write a description of your pet. Play a quiz to match description and photograph.
Create an ‘I Spy’ jar using pictures from the text.
Make a newspaper hat like Ted is wearing.
Make Ted using play dough and care for him.
Create a sensory tub with objects related to the text.
Create a textured jumper for Ted using wool.
Can you spot the garland on the front cover? Create a garland of words from the story.
Create a map of Ted’s journey.
Match nouns from the story with pictures.
Some options are:
- Dog
- Jumper
- Big top
- Popcorn box
Count the number pf jumpers on both end papers.
Order the numbered jumpers on a clothesline.
Count the animals in the pet shop. How many ears, eyes, legs…?
Create a ticket for entry in the circus. What combinations of notes and coins could be used to pay for the ticket?
Explore ordinal number with the poodles.
What number/s are on your letter box? Make the numbers using materials. Order the numbers.
Search the newsletters for numbers.
Read Leila’s book titled Gary. Gary is a pigeon who cannot fly.

What other books can you find that have a name as the title?
Learn to knit or finger knit.
Have an awesome day!

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