An Aussie Year: Twelve Months in the Life of Australian Kids

Tania McCartney and Tina Snerling

I had the pleasure of travelling to Dimboola PS and collaborating with many teachers from the district. I was introduced to this amazing book. I loved it straight away – so many teaching ideas.  There are lots of questions in the book that you can investigate with your students.

‘An Aussie Year’ is a picture book bursting with national pride. It is a snapshot of who we are as a nation, covering our modern day culture, lifestyle and traditions. It’s pages feature trailing, meandering text, dates and gorgeous illustrations showing our five Aussie children at play, at school, at home, and enjoying their parts of Australia – from the tropical north out to our rugged west and beautiful Tassie.’


How far can you throw a Frisbee? How would you measure the distance?

How long does it take for ice to melt in the sun? Conduct an experiment.

What games do you like playing with tennis balls?


How do most students in your class get to school?

What can you create to celebrate Chinese New Year?

What could be your design of your backpack for school?


How could you promote Earth hour?

What could you wear on St. Patrick’s Day?

What colours and materials will you need to create a friendship bracelet?


What facts can you find out about a Bilby?

What are the ingredients and the method to bake ANZAC biscuits?


How many animals are presented on this page? What facts do you know about this number?

How will you order the animals by size?

How can you find out the most popular animal in your class?


What can you find out about Mabo Day?

What football team do you follow? What do you like about your team?

What materials will you need to create an artwork of a rainbow?


What is your favourite knock, knock joke? Practice it to present to the class.

What do you have in your lunch box today? Write a description for other people to guess the contents.

Where is the Great Barrier Reef? How would you travel there?


What dream time stories can you find? Which story is your favourite? Why?

What notes and coins would you need to purchase your favourite treat?

What can we use to make a model of a boat that floats?


What is wattle? Draw or photograph wattle. Can you describe it using your senses?

What is your favourite way to eat eggs?

What colours and shapes will you use to design and create your own flag?


What is an Akubra? Where can you research some information?

What message of thank you would you write to your teacher to celebrate World Teacher’s Day?

What is daylight saving? How would you use a clock to explain?

What fruit do you love to eat?


What is the significance of the red poppy? What artwork can you create to share this message?

What information can you find about National Recycling Week? What plans can you make for your family, class, or school?

What are your favourite animals to view at the zoo? Why?


What would be on your menu for Christmas Day? What will your budget need to be?

What is the average temperature for this month? Make comparisons to another country.

What present do you hope to receive at Christmas? Why?


You can find this book on Booktopia

Take care everyone!


Andrea Hillbrick