Who Sank the Boat?
By Pamela Allen
Five animal friends decide to go for a row in the bay. Do you know who sank the boat?
A BIG thank you to Joel Brian and Carly White @misswhitesclassroom
for contributing ideas to this Take Away!
You can view the story here
This book links to the comprehension strategies of predicting and visualising.
This book lends itself to generating and collecting ideas for developing a setting. It also provides multiple examples of questions and the use of question marks.
This is a great book to explore mass, capacity and ordinal numbers.
The three of us have collaborated to plan these teaching ideas for you!
- Read the blurb (inside cover) and draw a picture of what you will see in the story.
- What is the missing part? Look at the first and last picture in the book. Make a prediction about what will happen in the middle of the story.
- Follow the instructions to make an origami boat.
- Using a lotus diagram select eight nouns from the first page to brainstorm adjectives and verbs.
- This can then be used to create a setting for a new story.
- Design/build a boat using recycled items. Test the boat by placing marbles or small rocks in it until in sinks. Count the total number of marbles in efficient ways such as grouping them into groups of tens. Reflect on your design and try again. Compare your trials.
- Heft objects to compare and order from heaviest to lightest. Sketch and label.
- Draw the characters from the story and label them according to the order they entered the boat – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…
- If you changed the characters in the story – who would they be? Why?
- Let’s go on a letter hunt! How many words can you find in the story that have double letters?
- The sheep was knitting in the story. Can you finger knit? Research and find out how to make yourself something to wear.
- The water line in the boat changes as the animals get into the boat. Using a water tray and a range of objects experiment with the water line. Draw your findings.
- Retell the story using toy animals or puppets.
- The characters had to balance. Go for a walk where you need to balance. Write about your experience.
- What would the sound effects of the story be? Make a sound scape of the story.
- Make a mask to act out the story from one of the characters point of view.
Enjoy and take care,
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